Myopractic is unlike chiropractic, it focuses on how the muscles interact with the neurological system of the body. We seek to help with neurological alignment, spinal alignment, cranial alignment and muscle alignment of the body so that neurologically the brain can communicate and do everything it needs to do so that you can be as healthy as possible. We are created to heal; we are created to be whole — we want to support that process.
Biostructural Evaluation
This evaluation assesses your body’s alignment from the base of the skull to your hips. We scan for misalignments in your spine and adjust the muscles that hold it together to release tension. This helps your body return to a balanced state, improving overall bodily function such as relieving headaches, reducing soreness, enhancing gut health, and increasing body awareness. We provide treatment for the entire body as needed based on your and the adjustor’s assessment.

Myopractic Bodywork
Structural assessment and correction using stretching, connective tissue release, corrective exercise and/or Bio-structural alignment techniques.